Thursday, November 1, 2007



IKHLAS SAVINGS TAKAFUL is an investment type plan that participates in profit, which will be distributed back to participants. This is an ideal plan which comprises the elements of savings and returns on investment with individual protection. This plan is designed to optimize the returns on investment to the participants.

What does IKHLAS Savings Takaful cover?

This plan utilises two key elements that will together meet or satisfy the obligation under the IKHLAS SAVINGS TAKAFUL:

  • Level Term Cover
  • Investment Account

IKHLAS SAVINGS TAKAFUL provides the following benefits:

Death and Total & Permanent Disability Benefit
This benefit provides protection against death and total permanent disablement of the participant prior to the certificate maturity. The Sum Covered (SC) plus the accumulated amount in the Personal Investment Account (PIA) are payable to the participant, participant’s beneficiary(ies) or next of kin.

Note: The above benefits exclude pre-existing conditions.

Maturity Benefit
Upon maturity of the certificate, participant will receive the accumulated amount in the Personal Investment Account (PIA).

Contribution Amount
Flexible contribution amount depending on the entry age and term of the certificate.

Why IKHLAS Saving Takaful?

Partial Cash Witdrawal
Partial cash withdrawals from the PIA are allowed after the certificate has been inforced for a minimum number of five (5) years. Only three (3) withdrawals are allowed during the lifetime of the certificate. Each withdrawal must satisfy a minimum gap period of two (2) years between withdrawals. A transaction fee of RM15.00 is chargeable from the PIA for each withdrawal.

Top-up Option
Top-up contribution is allowed from the commencement of the certificate. The amount of top-up shall be subject to a minimum of RM50.00 per top-up. This top-up amount shall be solely allocated to the PIA which will earn profit.

Rider Attachment Option
Participant can opt for any rider product to be attached to the basic certificate.

Better Investment Return
The Takaful IKHLAS Model allows the Company to optimise investment returns to the participants (please contact us for further info).

Age and issue limits

Issue Ages : 30 days – 60 years old, age next birthday. (TPD cover is only available for participants below the age of 65 at entry.)
Issue Limits : Minimum - RM10,000 SC
Maximum - Subject to underwriting decision
Expiry Age : Upon participant attaining 75 years old, age next birthday
Terms : 5 - 57 years

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